This is a particularly attractive Christmas tin box. There is a window on the front of it, filled with foam like snow, which makes this gift box very festive.
Size: 240x217x55mmH / 240x217x65mmH / 240x217x82mmH
This octagon shaped tea tin box could be used to fill candies, chocolates, etc., accept customization. We have more than 500 sets of moulds,
covering various shapes and sizes.
Size: 230*230*45mmH
This is a mouse shaped tin box, and its beard is embossed, looks very cute.
We are a professional tin box factory, various shapes and patterns can be customized.
Size: 168x140x62mmH
This tin box can be customized for single-deck or double-deck, four heights are available.
Size: 300x230x75mmH(single-deck)/300x230x135mmH (double-deck)